2021 Lockdown

As anticipated 2021 has started with a lockdown so it is obvious we all face extremely challenging times to try and get the virus under control over the coming months. Kopykat are open with a skeleton shift as we are classed as an essential business. One of the first jobs for 2021 was to produce some vaccine information material for the NHS in relation to the Oxford Astra Zeneca version of the vaccine. In early December we printed vaccine information booklets for the Pfizer vaccine.

Let us hope the vaccines can be rolled out quickly and efficiently and start to turn the tide against this awful virus. Being based in Shoreditch we have many clients in the hospitality and leisure sector so we know how badly they have been affected this in turn has affected ourselves. We wish you all good fortune for 2021 and let us hope we can return to some sort of normality as 2021 progresses.